SFR News
Strange Famous News: the 2023 Edition!
Posted by Danny Brown on

A NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE FROM THE STRANGE FAMOUS CREW: Happy New Year, StrangeFam! We'd like to thank you for sticking with us through another year, the 27th since Sage Francis put tracks to tape and kicked off this thing that is still going and growing over a quarter-century later. Since the fall of 2021, SFR has released 7 projects over 14 months, including a fantastic four in 2022: the magical Even In Death, a collaboration between old friends Seez Mics & the late, great Cubbiebear; Unwound, the official full-length, self-produced debut of Mopes (who you used to...
Seez Mics x Aupheus join forces for Cancel The Guillotine!
Posted by Danny Brown on

Strange Famous is proud to present CANCEL THE GUILLOTINE, the new EP from SFR veterans Seez Mics and Aupheus! The 5-song collection is available to download at and at the SFR Bandcamp.7-Inch Records and Cassettes are also available to pre-order here.CTG Is also available to stream on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Tidal, and wherever you listen to music. Both Seez and Aupheus have made their mark in the SFR universe over the years, dropping solo projects like Seez’s “Live Long Enough To Learn” and Aupheus’ “Megalith” (both in 2018), as well as appearing on multiple releases from other...
BlackLiq x Mopes join forces for “Time Is The Price” – LP OUT NOW!
Posted by Danny Brown on

Strange Famous Records is proud to present BLACKLIQ x MOPES! “Time Is The Price” is streaming everywhere you listen to music on October 1, 2021 via Strange Famous Digital.Exclusive TITP package deals, including a T-Shirt/MP3 Download combo + 7-Inch Records are available to pre-order here. Dark and driving, grounded in the crates buried beneath folding tables in flea market fields and filled with head-nod narratives for a generation too often locked in their own heads, “Time Is The Price” is an unflinching debut from a pair of veterans revitalized by their first full-length collaboration. Richmond, VA emcee BlackLiq is unafraid to...
- Tags: BlackLiq, Mopes
Sage Francis “A Healthy Distrust” Song Breakdowns + Lyrics
Posted by Sage Francis on

To help celebrate the 15th anniversary of my “A Healthy Distrust” album, Sage Francis will be posting the lyrics along with background information for each of the 15 songs. All physical merch for AHD can be found HERE. AHD can be streamed on all the usual sites including Spotify and Bandcamp.SAGE FRANCIS MERCH _______________________________________________________________________ 14) “SLOW DOWN GANDHI” Background Info: Someone on Twitter recently asked me if this write-up would explain how Slow Down Gandhi “parallels the current state of the nation,” which would probably make a lot of sense to do. But that sounds like a lot of work, and I think the...
- Tags: B. Dolan, Sage Francis
PROLYPHIC is out. MOPES is in. New EP out now!
Posted by Storm Davis on

Introducing… MOPES! Back again for the first time, the artist formerly known as PROLYPHIC is marching forward with a new name, a new perspective, and a new EP that formally announces his presence with authority. It’s not just a name change – it’s a game change. Check out The Mopes Merch Collection @ SFRstore hereWatch the “Facts Machine” video on the SFR YouTube Channel hereStream & purchase the Mopes EP on Bandcamp hereMopes on Spotify/Apple Music/iTunes here “I was 17 when I first started to get recognition under the name Prolyphic,” the freshly-minted Mopes explains. “I was a kid. I was making music to find out who I was. I’m now...