Mikal kHill & Romero Shaw - Dust CD
Sometime around 2005, Mikal kHill and a producer known then as Varick Pyr kicked around the idea for an EP of material. Sometime after that, Varick disappeared into the ether. In the inter-rim Varick trasmuted into Romero Shaw, and produced tracks for indie rap icons Sage Francis, Noah 23, and Icon the Mic King, while kHill blazed a path with his indie/nerdcore hiphop live band The ThoughtCriminals, performing at SXSW as part of the official Nerdcore showcase, collaborating with some of the subgenre's biggest names, and composing the Nathan-Fillion-Approved "Browncoats Mixtape" with Adam WarRock, which drew praise from sites as varied as Io9, The Escapist and even the rabid hiphop lovers at Reader's Digest.
Finally, in mid-2011, the two reconnected via twitter and once again found themselves toying with the idea of an EP of bleak hiphop. Eleven tracks later, we are left with "dust," a full album boasting some of kHill's most focused work, featuring a steady stream of incredible production from Romero, as well as collaborations with Adam WarRock, Tribe One and fellow-ThoughtCriminal Sulfur.
"With this one album, 'dust,' Mikal kHill proves that he's not all fun and Nintendos while resurrecting one of the best-kept-secret producers in the game - Romero Shaw (formerly known as Varick Pyr). These lyrics are written and executed well over elegantly crafted beats. What else do you need? I recommend it!" -ceschi, fake four inc.
Track listing:
01 Inside the Box
02 dust (interlude)
03 One Last Walk
04 Broken Glass
05 I'll Be Here
06 R. Dorothy Wayneright
07 Something To Lose
08 Romero's Last Choice
09 I'm Awesome
11 ONLYFAM (featuring Adam WarRock, Sulfur, & TribeOne)