Sage Francis - Sick To D(EAT)H MP3 Download
A breakdown of each track is available here: Learn From The Mixtapes Of Others.
Check out the video for "BLUE":
In other news, we're proud to announce that Sage Francis is currently recording his NEW ALBUM (title withheld for now) which drops in June of 2014, officially ending a 4 year hiatus. This will be followed by a world tour. More info on that soon.
For now, enjoy the free download of "You Can't Win" (EPIC BEARD MEN!)
01 - STD INTRO - (2005, beat & cuts by DJ EQ)
02 - GIMME DAT - (2008, beat by Buck 65)
03 - ZERO Demo - (2009 "I was Zero" demo, beat by Buck 65)
04 - BLUE - (2013, beat by Reanimator, cuts by Buddy Peace)
05 - SLOW D(EAT)H Demo - (2009 "Slow Man" demo, beat by Buck 65)
06 - THINGS TO DO IN DENVER WHEN YOU'RE DEAD TO ME - (2013, beat by Prolyphic)
07 - VIVA LA VINYL - (2013, beat by Reanimator, violin by Jolie Holland, cuts by Buddy Peace)
08 - YOU CAN'T WIN - (2013, feat. B. Dolan, beat by Buddy Peace. EPIC BEARD MEN!)
09 - BREAKING 2BAD - (2013, feat. B. Dolan, beat by Buddy Peace. EPIC BEARD MEN!)
10 - LET EM COME REDUX - (2012, Scroobius Pip, Metermaids, Cecil Otter. Beat by Cecil Otter)
11 - DARK ARTS ABRIDGED - (2011, "Art of Darkness" demo edit. Beat by MC Lars.)
12 - REHAB Demo - (2006, beat by Paul Fava)
13 - HIGH STEP Demo - (2006, beat by Eaters)
14 - THE PASTOR SLEEPS FINE (interlude, music by Reanimator)
15 - ORIGIN TO DESCENT - (2013, beat by Buddy Peace)
16 - TREE OF KNOWLEDGE (spoken word, 1999)
17 - THERE IS A BETTER WAY - (Lord Grunge on vocals & guitar)
18 - UBUNTU (WATER INTO WINE) - (2012, beat by Adam248 & Sage)
19 - DON'T THINK Vs. REBEL YELLOW - (2013, No Bird Sing / Cecil Otter. Mash up by Bearpuncher Prime)
20 - BABY STAYS (LIVE ON BBC) - (2010, guitars by Worgie and Yila)
21 - I DON'T KNOW (feat. Atmosphere, 2003 demo)
22 - KID PROFIT FREESTYLE OUTTAKES (1994 bedroom cypher)
23 - LIFE IS AN STD - (1996 demo)
24 - YEARS Demo - (2009, "16 Years" demo, beat by Kurtis SP)