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- 12" Vinyl
- 2econd Class Citizen
- Astronautalis
- Broken Bone Ballads
- Cars & Trains
- Cassette
- CD
- Ceschi
- Ceschi Ramos
- Colored Vinyl
- Common Grackle
- Dark Time Sunshine
- Elmo
- Factor
- Fake Four
- Fake Four Inc
- Kool Keith
- Maulskull
- MiC K!NG
- MP3
- MP3 Download
- Myka 9
- Myles Bullen
- New
- New Item
- Oldominion
- Onry Ozzborn
- Open Mike Eagle
- P.O.S. of Doomtree
- Radical Face
- Sage Francis
- Shirt
- Sleep
- Sleep of Oldominion
- Sole
- Strange Famous
- Strange Famous Records
- T-Shirt
- The Great Depression
- The Leaves
- The One Man Band Broke Up
- The Roots
- They Hate Francisco False
- Vinyl
- Vinyl LP
- Vinyl Records
- Yoni Wolf